Hunyo 30, 2012

Impact of Technology in Education

Technology in Education???

        Base on definition, Technology is the making, modification, usage, and knowledge of tools, machines, techniques, crafts, systems, methods of organization, in order to solve a problem, improve a preexisting solution to a problem, achieve a goal or perform a specific function.
        First of all, the technology exist because of education. Learning or using technology is depending on educational process base on its usage, functions, and purposes. Of course, we can never have technology without studying or learning its content.
        As we all know technology has advantages and disadvantages in education. Whatever the technology will affects us whether its advantages or disadvantages it will also become the impact in us especially in our education.
        Talking back about the definition of technology written above was obviously explains not only its definition but also its impact in education. Why?...We will begin explaining every definition of technology that will also become the impact of education:

1. Technology is the making of tools, machines, techniques, crafts, systems, methods of organization.
          _In this definition, we are really educated in the making or the creation of technology because we know that each of us really incline in doing new things that will give us contentment in our desire, wants, and needs.

2. Technology is the modification of tools, machines, techniques, crafts, systems, methods of organization.
          _By modifying the technology, we are open to the improvements and developments of the technology that we made for us to be updated in every trends of technology.

3. Technology is the usage and knowledge of tools, machines, techniques, crafts, systems, methods of organization.
          _Of course, by making or inventing and modifying technology we are now knowledgeable, ready to use and feel free of adopting the technology as part of our life basically in our education.

 4. Technology is the making, modification, usage, and knowledge of tools, machines, techniques, crafts, systems, methods of organization, in order to solve a problem, improve a preexisting solution to a problem, achieve a goal or perform a specific function.
          _It is the major definition of technology that give more impact in our education as well as in our daily life activities because as it was stated that it can solve a problem, improve something, and achieve something that can affects our humanity.

       Those impacts for me is very true knowing that technology is very influential to us nowadays. But we have to limit our desire in using technology to avoid negative effects in our self and in our education.

Hunyo 24, 2012

My Education Overview

My Education Overview

        Basically, education is one of the most important things that a man could ever have. It is a man's treasure! Some of us conclude that: " if a man finished his studies will have a successful future." but how can this be attain nowadays if in some schools implemented some new curriculum without considering the students ability to learn? Are those implementers or those on higher positions in education already knows the ability of majority students in terms of learning considering the students' basic needs or requirements like the budget of tuition fees and the students' knowledge about their fields(courses)? Come to think of it?...
        As I observed, only few of the graduates has already the job because of the attitudes in having the guts to find job and maybe also because the government didn't  offer them the job that are compatible to their related fields. Yes! the government offers some jobs and new curriculum in education like - the K+12 Basic Education - but only few of the applicants and students can have those. Why they can't produce a job for all applicants especially to the graduates which is one of their responsibilities in the country; their so called full economic employment? They should start and focusing in the education development especially in the public schools. That's reality.
         On the other hand, In my opinion about the K+12 Basic Education is that it has advantages and disadvantages to all of us. As we all know it focuses to those students who are in primary level, high schools or in secondary level, and also to the graduates of Bachelor in Secondary Education (BSED) major in TLE, Bachelor of Science in General Education (BS Gen. Ed.), Bachelor of Electrical Engineering (BS E.E), and in some Engineering Courses. Among all courses that every schools has offering only those courses that I stated has the chance to get the job on the K+12 curriculum and we already have an idea that not all graduates to those courses that I mentioned can have that job.
          Here we are again, talking about those students who will surely can experience the K+12 Basic Education. Yes, they can easily finish their studies after 6years or more and as the government says that they can lean a job right after taking the K+12 Basic Education; but there's a big questions to that! Was the government assures that the number of the graduates of this K+12 Basic Education will be accommodated the job their offering and was the knowledge that the K+12 Basic Education offers will be enough and fit to the job? Considering it because it is new to us, for now I will just observe its process and output if it is effective or not.

          To end this topic, I will take this opportunity to thank those people who will read this and who visited my blog. Always remember that its up to us on how we treasure and apply our knowledge or education to our daily life routine if we really want to have a successful future because in the end its only our self can dictate what we can have in our life. Just don't forget to trust and thank our Almighty God always!!!